The Copenhagen based think tank Ocean Institute was founded in 2021 at the initiative of the philanthropic foundation THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS. Among its grant areas are scientific, environmental, social and cultural purposes in Denmark and internationally.
We are a membership organisation that involves and listens to stakeholders and seeks dialogue. We aim to build a bridge across natural and business interests for the benefit of the sea.
We currently have a broad variety of members, including leading Danish companies, organizations and research institutions.
We believe the ocean can be saved and world’s climate can be improved. It requires a blue transition of our society.
Our vision: To put the ocean on the public agenda and be Denmark's preferred center for cooperation between all actors who want to contribute to a healthy and sustainable use of the ocean.
Our mission: To ensure that the nature and ecosystems of the ocean are restored and that the necessary transition of society is carried out, so that the ocean and people can coexist in a sustainable way.
We have chosen to focus our work on three areas of action:
Sustainable use: How the ocean can be used more sustainably by humans.
Pollution: How to reduce and eliminate pollution of the ocean.
Nature restoration: What is needed for marine ecosystems to get back on its feet.
Through our work we will shed light on how businesses can be restructured, how decision-makers can support the blue transition, and how civil society organisations can contribute to increased public awareness of the crisis of the marine environment and the solutions needed.
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